Friday, September 4, 2009
Week 10 of TRSWB
(andrew gower) "the new skill which is Sailing, will be released by early or mid 2010" did you see that? sailing in rs! from when i heard this my imaginattion sparked and i went to go look up more of it. heres all the info i found.took over 2 hours but i got it!
Sailing will be compared to construction, but with ships, you will possibley need a ranged level for cannons, and money for crews, and possibley there will be Ship PVP. so we'll have a regular pirates of the carribean on our hands! and i also believe the ship yard in Karmaja's southern jungle, will be used as a safe point if your ship needs repairs, restock on crew, supplies, etc. now this is the longest updates weve had, i had to tell everyone about these 2 major game changing events, the new post will be out soon. please tell others to visit this site, i need some morepeople to keep me goin. thank you for reading, and i hope you all enjoy this site. and also, i'd like to say, please advertise in game to ur friends, and whoever, just dont get banned on my account!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
always have you account be narrowed on the 2-3 skills you really want to contribute to.
always use you best combat skill for fighting.
always be training.
now, here are some very good combo's that will help you rule the day, for the sake of not explaining in the name im going to give each 'class' into a certain category.
Strict Classes:
strict classes mainley are based off of one unique fighting style, such as you only take part as a fighter, mage, or ranger. now these skills are usefull but all have flaws. these flaws are this:
Mages have advantages against fighters, metal melee armor conducts magic and does more damage.
rangers have an advantage to mages, Dragon-Hide armor is a magic decreaser. the properties of the hide make the magic harder to effect the ranger.
Fighters have an advantage to Rangers, arrows have a harder time penitracting the heavy platebodies unique to fighters. you will take damage but alot less than you would as a mage, fighters weapons such as the classic Longsword, or Claymores (2 handed swords often refered to as "2h's") these weapons can slice through the dragon hide with extreme ease.
now, these are the main classes and their strengths and weaknesses. here are some mixed classes.
Warrior-Mage combo often refered to as "WAR-MAGE".
now war-mages have great abilities. i myself am a war-mage. i use mainley melee attacks but use magic booster. if you want to be war mage i suggest getting Lunar Magic. lunar magic isnt very combative, but it has great aids, such as:
Heal self: heals your HitPoints.
Cure Self: cures yourself from poisen.
Heal Other: Heals OTHER PERSONS health when casted on them,good for group attacks.
Cure Other: heals others from poisen when casted on them. also good for group attacks
now these are very helpful spells there are also other equaly helpful spells, such as NPC contact, which links you to about 1 of 12 NPC's. these can be slayer masters, or just helpful people. probabley the best feature for a War-Mage using lunar magics is the unique teleport locations. it teleports you to places, if your pvping, players killing you cant follow, such as lunar isle, and other unique moonclan locations. you could also use ancient magics but the power of the spell will be effected if your wearing heavy pro- warrior armor such as platebodies, legs, helms, etc.
Ranger-Mage: often refered to as "ragers".
now these combos can be effective but at the same time, horrible. i tried this class for a little while and it was tricky to master but this is the best combo that i came up with.
Rune-Karils Crossbow, Ahrim, Karil, Black Dragonhide mixes, and archer helm, archer ring, or seers ring, and farseer helm depending if you want to be pro mage,or pro range. now normally these classes severley work against each other, but this combo worked for me. this class is most effective with ancient magicks. freeze the,i this case pvp players, with ice barrages, rushes, or any other freezing spells, and then use your karils or rune Crossbows. while freezing these also take about 15-25 hp depending on your mage lvl and the strength of the ancient spell you use. now this class is by far the most expensive, because ancient spells need about 3-5 blood runes each cast, and i if using karils x-bow, you u need bolt racks, which sell for about 370-480 gp each. so this class is very expensive but can pay off. this class is the raw foundation of "opposites attract" because your taking the bitter rivals in RuneScape, mages and rangers, and combining them for max power, and effect. this class is tricky to master but at about 70+ mage and range they both become intertwined and work great together. now these are the only 2 mixed classes but there are ways to make classes better, they are as followers.
now these classes, such as mage,range and melee, all have ways to become better. here are some guides for maximum power for pure classes.
Beserker Pure: Beserker: a warrior boosted by strength.
now you all might think attack levels are the most important, no, attack is the probability of actually hitting and taking hp off your opponent. deffence, is how well you can withstand this, and strength is how hard you hit! now i level attack and defence together, keep an even balance, i am currently at equal defence and attack, and a much higher strength level. so, i could say im a beserker-war-mage. (not really) but here are some good beserker pure tips.
now to become a beserker pure, you need a very good strength attack and defence. defence and strength i recommend stay around 70-80 and strength atleast 6-10 levels higher. now for armour i suggest this combo;
Rune, Veracs, Guthans, Dharoks, Torags or bandos full sets, and if you have rune or bandos, whip, or a godsword. if you go for barrows sets you always want the full set so you can unlock the special ability. guthans isnt strength its more attack but the special ability takes enimies HP and refils you own. veru usefull for a beserker but this effect only happens with all 4 pieces of set. now if you do rune armor i suggest full rune, with a beserker helm, and a beserker ring, plus an amulet of fury. now, theres also other armor sets, you could do my fvaorite, full void, which takes a while to get but its worth it. just like barrows you need every piece of void to have it be effective, full void ARMOR, not weapon, boost you strength by 15%! but it also makes it a little harder to acctually get a hit in but when you do it hits home! and if your have a fury ammy, youll deffinatley do great things! and theres also the most popular, torag legs, fighter torso, and a beserker helm, and fury ammulet, a godsword, whip, or saradomin sword. these are all very effective serker pure items... now onto range
Ranger Pure:
now the only skills needed for this are range level, strength, and deffence. strength effects when you use long bows, and short bows. basically you can pull the string farther and hit harder, deffence you need for armor,which i suggest void, dragonhide, or karils. now, you should also use the best or second best arrows or bolts you can use. enchanted bolts are great as well.
Mage Pure:
all you need for this is deffence and magic. i suggest getting ancients magicks from desert treasure quest, and also getting ahrims armor. void mage isnt all that good. lunar armor is okay, but not great for heavy combat, like inc astle wars, and other minigames if you dont want you ahrims to degrade, use lunar armor. now,thats about all the tips for mage other than...have alot of money!!!!!!!!!!
ok well thank you, and i hope this guide really helps you all. i would also like to thank the runescape handbook for the basic info on this site, all other info is pulled completely from the game, and is written under the experience of myself over the past 5 years. so come again soon to TRSWB for another exciting post! see you all next time!
Monday, August 10, 2009
ok well hello and welcome to another exciting post of TRSWB. i got some intresting guides for you today, and as always our monster and town of the week! now lets start, with updates.
now there is an update that is sort of old at the moment, but i didnt talk about it last week, so here it is. The Poisen Arrow Pub in Ardounge, (which was town of the week once) is now open for business. this pub sells Range boosting beers, and is fun to be in. its really not that great of a bar, (trust me...ive seen WAY better) but its good if u need a short range boost! now our newest update, which happend today, is a new quest. it is in the Rag and Bone-Man series. aparently the odd old man needs you to go collect some furs of some sort. it is called Fur 'n'...somthing... but thats all you need to find it...its like number 7 on the quest list. so, now heres some sad news, today was my first day back to school so these posts may be coming a little later than usual. but not by much...a couple days wait at most here people. so onto a new update for this site.
ok well, i feel I have too much authority over this site, so im letting YOU, the FANS decide on this weeks, Monster of the Week! and also, the Town of the Week!now all you gotta do, pick 1 out of 4 labled, then put them in a comment on this post. so here are your choices!
1: Chaos Elemental.
2: Revenent Beast.
3: Black Demon.
4: GodWars Dungeon Bandos Boss.
1: Brimhaven.
2: Catherby.
3: Miscellania.
4: Port Phasmatys.
now these are your chioces, to enter a selection please click " Questions" attachment at bottom of this post and put as follows:
Town:(1,2,3, or 4)
Monster:(1,2,3, or 4)
and these monsters voted by YOU as well as the towns will be talked about in the next edition of TRSWB.
now i do have 1 short Woodcutting secrets guide, and by far the most important guide ive ever done, and will ever do. so brace yourselves!
Woodcutting: now i allready did a woodcutting guide, but this is a good little tip to help you if your following my woodcutting guide! now some people may or may not know this, but the best town to train W.C. is Seers Village. theres a bank, and it has every main tree. Normal, Oak, Willow, Maple, Yew and even Magic! *HOLY SH**!* SO this is a great town to practice woodcutting. theres willows directly behind bank, yews no farther than the ones behind varrock castle are to the G.E. , and theres a bank right between all of it! so go try training there, you wont have to leave until our level 99!!!!!!
now heres the most important guide i've ever done! and ever will do!*drum roll, gasps* this guide is all about securing your account!
now,this is a very important guide. so, first things first, PASSWORD security.
to keep you password secure you should try;
Making your password more than 7 digits.
Making it so only you could figure it out.
Making it with atleast 1 number in it.
now there are other ways to be safe outside of game e-mail verifacation, and recovery questions.
Recovery Questions:
Make them hard to guess, easy to remeber.
Sometimes its better to enter in you own question.
Make sure you dont forget them.
Change them every 6 months to 1 year.
and last is E-mail verifcation. this is pretty strait forward, all you do is enter your E-mail adress, and then your account is secured outside of game in 3 different ways!
In Game Security:
Set Bank PIN.
Store All Rare Quest, MiniGame, or other Important Armors in Costume Room in POH.
And dont say any hints to your recovery questions or anything else!
well hope this helped you, and id like to give you all a behind the scenes RuneScape lore for the upcoming future...
i've heard tell from a very relyable source that a new skill is coming out in early- mid 2010. and rumor has it is piracy/sailing. so for fan mail, really i got spammed with about 20billion emails saying...
"wheres the new post!!!"
"wtf! why havnt you posted!"
"waah i miss TRSWB"
now for the first time ever, im gonna respond to all at once..all you 874824798 people...
THE NEW POST IS RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Week 8 of TRSWB... Speacial Comemrative edition...
Town of the Week:
- Name: Llettya.
- Location: Isafdar, western elven border of runescape.
- Special: Tree patch, good shops, and very fun to be in.
Llettya is unlocked after UnderGround Pass quest, a very annoying quest i must say but its also a very worth it. from finishing this quest, you can start Regicide, and get a Dragon Halberd. Regicide unlocks Roving Elves, a quest famous for its unlocking of the much wanted, but later disappointing, Crystal Bow, and Shield. * when i say disappointing i mean it because it costs 860k to charge the bow the first time, and from 860k you only get 2500 arrows... but by the 5th charge is costs 180k and after that, it stays 180k. the shield is the same way. but in this town, you unlock not just the town, elves, and new hunter areas, but also in my opinion, the most visually stunning area in RuneScape. all the trees are the same, but different from others around RuneScape. theres forests with at least 10-15 yew trees clumped together, and many, many, secret routes to other places in Isafdar. the city of Llettya, is also just equally as beautiful. the buildings seem like those from Eldest: by Christopher Paolini. there are made from nature, it looks like the buildings in Taverly but even better, everythings decorated and very very stunning to look at, especially in H.D. so do regicide, get 56 agility, and go head down to Isafdar, check out Llettya, the elven and Tyras camps, and the many other places Isafdar offers.
Monster of the week:
- Name: Kree'arra
- Race: Animal; Bird.
- Level: 580.
- Hit Points: 255
- Aggressive: Yes
- Retreats: No
- Quest: No
- Poisonous: No
- Members: Yes
- Location: God wars Dungeon: Armadyl Dungeon.
now this thing is not to be messed with, if you go, you better be prepared for him. here is a little more about the items he drops.
- Gold: 19500-21500
- 100%: Big Bones and Feathers (1-16)
- Weapons: Addy Javelin (17), Dragon Spear, Rune 2H sword, Rune Battle axe, Rune Crossbow, Rune javelin (5), Rune Spear, Rune Sword, Steel Dart(92).
- Armour: Armadyl Chest Plate, Armadyl Helmet, Armadyl Plate Skirt,Black Dragon Hide Body, Dragon Med Helm, Rune PlateBody, Rune Kite Shield, Rune Sq. Shield.
- Runes/Arrows: Deaths(42-45), laws(43-45), minds(594-601), Natures(64-67). Rune arrows(100-105), steel (148), Dragon Bolt (e) (5-10), Rune Bolt(20-26).
- Misc: Armadyl Godsword Hilt, Lvl 3 treasure trails scroll, Crystal key, Curved Bone, Godsword Shards, loops half of crystal key, tooth half of crystal key, long bone, Mushroom potato(3), Ranging potion(3 doses), Left half of Dragon Square shield, Super Defence Potion(3 doses), Uncut Gems and several types of herbs(13 noted).
- seeds: yew tree(1) and several types of herb seeds.
- Charms(1): Gold, Green, Crimson, Blue.
Other Notes:
Kree'arra is immune to poison. Its maximum hit using Range is over 60 (Reported 73!), so Protect from Range, prayer potions and food are an absolute must! Kree'arra attacks with all three forms of combat, and can hit up to 50 with melee. Kree'arra only uses melee when not under attack, so it is often only a danger while soloing. ok and thats it for Kree'arra, our mosnter of the week.
Updates: now i know this is a little far in the post but still, here they are.
- Alot of rune+ Weapons got a dramatic graphics overhaul, the Abyssal Whip resembles a lashing Dragons tail, the Scimitars from rune-dragon are all shorter, held at a higher angle, and are slightly changed in appearance, to be honest i liked the Dragon Scimitar the other way, the Dragon Long Sword is now Shorter, held at a sharper angle, and has ridged edges such as the Dragon Scimitar, they now look Pretty similar. the Dharoks Great axe is the only Barrows Weapon i KNOW got a graphics change, it is now a double headed axe. it has 2 axe blades now. on this note there is also tons of new special attacks for all the upgraded weapons that originally had specials. weapons such as the Dharoks Axe still are without Specials.
- The Poison Arrow Pub is a new edition to Ardounge, it is located east of the Ardounge dock which is east of Witchaven. the Poison Arrow offers Range Boosting Beer, and is pretty cool to hang out in, go buy a pint for 50 gold and get your ranged boosted by 3 temporarily.
well that's it for this weeks updates, moving onto the questions/comments.
Justin Writes: great information on this site!!
I reply: Thank you very much Justin, its people like you who keep me goin with this site.
Feeddanoober writes: how can i join your clan, im interested, is there any post on the qualifications?
I reply: well yes there is i am re-writing it and putting it on my Clan HQ, it is first on my links list so go check it out.
well thats it for the post.hope you enjoyed the new info i posted with monster of the week. please spread word around on RuneScape of me, you can always contact me by email at,, or in game as Brom8889. thank you for being such great fans, see you next week on TRSWB which is here to stay on blogger.
Exciting News.
Monday, July 20, 2009
TRSWB Is Going Pro! now i ask you all to stay away from the site for now, its still getting set up and should be ready within 3-4 days!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Week 7 of TRSWB! ( Extra Uber Late Edition)
Well first in our updates is of course, mobilising armies, amazing game, read my guide. now, there is a new Entrepreneur in Al Kharid, his name is Faruq, (Far-ook) now, he apparently has items that are usefull for battling clans, some more civilized items to help you settle the issue. like a scavenger hunt, a race marker, or other tasks that test your clans wits, and not strengths. okay before you jump to calling this guy names like whimp, panzy, or pussy, think of how this could help your clan, if your clan is strong, and smart, your going to beat the other clan on many other levels. ok well onto the next item of business. they made a few small but substantial modifications to PVP worlds, im not sure what they are but what ever they are, they cant be that great if they're small,and i have no idea what they are!
now. since we were speaking about clans, im deciding to make a clan open to my many viewers, the clans name is E.R.A (the Elven Rebelion of Armadyl.) now i chose that name because elves are my favorite race, armadyl is my favorite god in runescape, and im rebelling society! just kidding, the rebellion part just worked so nicely making it into E.R.A which is a very important moment in time, like the Jurassic ERA, The Medieval ERA, so im making it come across as if im altering RS history (uhhh yea right...) but anyway if you want to join, there will be a poll thats always open at the bottom of my sites toolbar, just scroll down, click Yes or No, then if you want to join, leave your RS username, Attack level, Deffence Level, Mage level (pleae include if you've done Desert Treasure or Lunar Diplomacy,) range level, summoning level, and any other contributing level. this clan is going to make money, fight battles, command respect, spread the word about this site,( couldnt hurt to try lol more viewers the more possible clan members) hold tournaments, organize major RS Clan Events hosted by E.R.A. so if your interested, follow my set of instructions.
ok town of the week. this town is a long forgotten town of a long forgotten people, i give you Dorgesh-Kaan! this town you unlock in the Another Slice Of H.A.M. quest. you have to acess this city my talking to mistag in the cave of the lumby castle basement. from here you can go to the big gates to the south of the mine, and your in Dorgesh-kaan. in this city you have Zanik, your trusted cave goblin friend, and a variety of different things. in here you unlock a train system when you complete "Death To The Dorgeshuun" this train will lead you to last weeks Town of the Week, Keldagrim. there is also a goblin market, and a massive agility course for level 70+ if you wanna go check out this very unique town, you defiantly should! it is one of runescapes most secret towns. so good luck!
Monster of the Week. we all know of Canifis. the very dark, and mysterious werewolf town. but these creatures are only level 25, and give you 400 XP each kill! if you start Creature of Fenkenstrain you can access these creatures known as Experiments. they come in 3 varieties.
1/2 sheep, 1/2 wolf.
1/2 man, 1/2 Daddy long legs spider.
1/2 girl, 1/2 horse.
now these things are very easy to kill, and give you 400 XP. stay away from the Level 51's they give normal xp and if you take what they drop you cant kill them again. so stick with the level 25's. all the lvl 25s drop is bones, the lvl 51's drop bones and a key which is needed for the quest. so they're not monetarily rewarding, but they are amazing XP!
ok onto the questions segment!
Random Bob Asks: wheres your post been! its been 8 days!
I respond: well here it is!
I LVL 3 pwn asks: is it possible to change my username? i hate mine sooo much!!!!
I respond: sorry but no, it would cause too many mess ups with an account.
Kyoungluv118 asks: why dont too many girls play RS anymore? im getting lonely!
I respond: well, RS isnt as popular to teenage girls anymore, they like more, myspace, webkins, (Cough* Gay!) and things like that, so sorry but there just isnt as many girls who play!
well thats it guys! see you next week for another Post of TRSWB!