Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 10 of TRSWB

ok hello and welcome to the best site you'll ever visit ever(probabley) now i am deffinatley going to start with updates because jagex's best update, besides the Grand Exchange, in the history of every just came out yesterday! now, this update made me happy since i always played SD because my computer didnt exactley have what it needed for HD. if you had that problem within 2 days ago, you wont anymore! the current SD game play is now the old HD! and it runs faster and better! there is a current HD that is slightley tweaked from the most recent version, which is now SD. but i hear in the near future, HD will look comprable to World of Warcraft. in other recent news, i've heard from very reliable sources, including an exclusive interview with Andrew Gower, creator of RuneScape, and who could forget his brother Paul. first let me clarify, i didnt acctually interview them myself, but a very reliable game update site did. now i cant remeber the name of site because its based in mexico, and i found it by accident and the just escaping me. now, from this interview, i pulled out the best thing ive ever heard in my life.
(andrew gower) "the new skill which is Sailing, will be released by early or mid 2010" did you see that? sailing in rs! from when i heard this my imaginattion sparked and i went to go look up more of it. heres all the info i found.took over 2 hours but i got it!
Sailing will be compared to construction, but with ships, you will possibley need a ranged level for cannons, and money for crews, and possibley there will be Ship PVP. so we'll have a regular pirates of the carribean on our hands! and i also believe the ship yard in Karmaja's southern jungle, will be used as a safe point if your ship needs repairs, restock on crew, supplies, etc. now this is the longest updates weve had, i had to tell everyone about these 2 major game changing events, the new post will be out soon. please tell others to visit this site, i need some morepeople to keep me goin. thank you for reading, and i hope you all enjoy this site. and also, i'd like to say, please advertise in game to ur friends, and whoever, just dont get banned on my account!

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