Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Exciting News.

ok,well the whole website i was starting didnt turn out so well, it was a pretty decent site for a none active site, but this site, has too much going for itself every week and the site i was creating did have the same thing as blogger, to display all the posts... so in otherwords, blogger turned out better than a name brand site. so, in other news, TRSWB is here to stay on blogger. im very mad because my Exclamation mark wont work, so i feel like what im saying is very dull, so, dont be expecting much emphisis from my posts anymore...(maybe) so in a more important note, TRSWB will be getting its own domain name instead of, itll be, hopefully. the site im using may or may not work. i will let you all know as soon as i have done it. the site will be renamed on AUGUST 1ST... 2 DAYS... you will still be able to access my site through blogger, if you dont get the domain name in time. so be prepared for the change.

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