now you all must be wondering what do i mean with that, well heres exactly what i mean. we all have a set base of skills, attributes, and other hidden talents in the world of RuneScape. but there are ways to combine many skills to make an ultimate Avatar! now id like to start with a few basic tips.
always have you account be narrowed on the 2-3 skills you really want to contribute to.
always use you best combat skill for fighting.
always be training.
now, here are some very good combo's that will help you rule the day, for the sake of not explaining in the name im going to give each 'class' into a certain category.
Strict Classes:
strict classes mainley are based off of one unique fighting style, such as you only take part as a fighter, mage, or ranger. now these skills are usefull but all have flaws. these flaws are this:
Mages have advantages against fighters, metal melee armor conducts magic and does more damage.
rangers have an advantage to mages, Dragon-Hide armor is a magic decreaser. the properties of the hide make the magic harder to effect the ranger.
Fighters have an advantage to Rangers, arrows have a harder time penitracting the heavy platebodies unique to fighters. you will take damage but alot less than you would as a mage, fighters weapons such as the classic Longsword, or Claymores (2 handed swords often refered to as "2h's") these weapons can slice through the dragon hide with extreme ease.
now, these are the main classes and their strengths and weaknesses. here are some mixed classes.
Warrior-Mage combo often refered to as "WAR-MAGE".
now war-mages have great abilities. i myself am a war-mage. i use mainley melee attacks but use magic booster. if you want to be war mage i suggest getting Lunar Magic. lunar magic isnt very combative, but it has great aids, such as:
Heal self: heals your HitPoints.
Cure Self: cures yourself from poisen.
Heal Other: Heals OTHER PERSONS health when casted on them,good for group attacks.
Cure Other: heals others from poisen when casted on them. also good for group attacks
now these are very helpful spells there are also other equaly helpful spells, such as NPC contact, which links you to about 1 of 12 NPC's. these can be slayer masters, or just helpful people. probabley the best feature for a War-Mage using lunar magics is the unique teleport locations. it teleports you to places, if your pvping, players killing you cant follow, such as lunar isle, and other unique moonclan locations. you could also use ancient magics but the power of the spell will be effected if your wearing heavy pro- warrior armor such as platebodies, legs, helms, etc.
Ranger-Mage: often refered to as "ragers".
now these combos can be effective but at the same time, horrible. i tried this class for a little while and it was tricky to master but this is the best combo that i came up with.
Rune-Karils Crossbow, Ahrim, Karil, Black Dragonhide mixes, and archer helm, archer ring, or seers ring, and farseer helm depending if you want to be pro mage,or pro range. now normally these classes severley work against each other, but this combo worked for me. this class is most effective with ancient magicks. freeze the,i this case pvp players, with ice barrages, rushes, or any other freezing spells, and then use your karils or rune Crossbows. while freezing these also take about 15-25 hp depending on your mage lvl and the strength of the ancient spell you use. now this class is by far the most expensive, because ancient spells need about 3-5 blood runes each cast, and i if using karils x-bow, you u need bolt racks, which sell for about 370-480 gp each. so this class is very expensive but can pay off. this class is the raw foundation of "opposites attract" because your taking the bitter rivals in RuneScape, mages and rangers, and combining them for max power, and effect. this class is tricky to master but at about 70+ mage and range they both become intertwined and work great together. now these are the only 2 mixed classes but there are ways to make classes better, they are as followers.
now these classes, such as mage,range and melee, all have ways to become better. here are some guides for maximum power for pure classes.
Beserker Pure: Beserker: a warrior boosted by strength.
now you all might think attack levels are the most important, no, attack is the probability of actually hitting and taking hp off your opponent. deffence, is how well you can withstand this, and strength is how hard you hit! now i level attack and defence together, keep an even balance, i am currently at equal defence and attack, and a much higher strength level. so, i could say im a beserker-war-mage. (not really) but here are some good beserker pure tips.
now to become a beserker pure, you need a very good strength attack and defence. defence and strength i recommend stay around 70-80 and strength atleast 6-10 levels higher. now for armour i suggest this combo;
Rune, Veracs, Guthans, Dharoks, Torags or bandos full sets, and if you have rune or bandos, whip, or a godsword. if you go for barrows sets you always want the full set so you can unlock the special ability. guthans isnt strength its more attack but the special ability takes enimies HP and refils you own. veru usefull for a beserker but this effect only happens with all 4 pieces of set. now if you do rune armor i suggest full rune, with a beserker helm, and a beserker ring, plus an amulet of fury. now, theres also other armor sets, you could do my fvaorite, full void, which takes a while to get but its worth it. just like barrows you need every piece of void to have it be effective, full void ARMOR, not weapon, boost you strength by 15%! but it also makes it a little harder to acctually get a hit in but when you do it hits home! and if your have a fury ammy, youll deffinatley do great things! and theres also the most popular, torag legs, fighter torso, and a beserker helm, and fury ammulet, a godsword, whip, or saradomin sword. these are all very effective serker pure items... now onto range
Ranger Pure:
now the only skills needed for this are range level, strength, and deffence. strength effects when you use long bows, and short bows. basically you can pull the string farther and hit harder, deffence you need for armor,which i suggest void, dragonhide, or karils. now, you should also use the best or second best arrows or bolts you can use. enchanted bolts are great as well.
Mage Pure:
all you need for this is deffence and magic. i suggest getting ancients magicks from desert treasure quest, and also getting ahrims armor. void mage isnt all that good. lunar armor is okay, but not great for heavy combat, like inc astle wars, and other minigames if you dont want you ahrims to degrade, use lunar armor. now,thats about all the tips for mage other than...have alot of money!!!!!!!!!!
ok well thank you, and i hope this guide really helps you all. i would also like to thank the runescape handbook for the basic info on this site, all other info is pulled completely from the game, and is written under the experience of myself over the past 5 years. so come again soon to TRSWB for another exciting post! see you all next time!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
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